After my No Bake Cherry Cake was such a success, I’ve continued experimenting with ‘raw’ desserts and sweat treats. Since I love chocolate as well as vanilla creme I had to try something in that direction.
Desserts & Sweets
Ice cream, mousse, cake, muffins and more. Here are lots of recipe ideas for desserts, sweets and treats that are vegan and gluten-free with oil-free and fruit-sweetened options.
Chocolate Mud Cake (Vegan, Gluten-free)
I’ve been thinking about making a really dense and moist chocolate cake for a while now. It was clear that I would use coconut flour as this is quite rich. And while browsing through my garden it just clicked when I saw the ready-to-be-harvested new season beetroots. They would add color, flavour and moisture as […]
Spongecake with Strawberries (Vegan, Gluten-free)
As far as I can remember, there were always strawberry cakes in summer time. The combination of fluffy sponge cake and fresh strawberries never failed to amaze me.
Vegan, Gluten-Free Gingerbread
I find it quite tricky to get into a Christmas mood here in New Zealand. One reason might be that I grew up on the other side of the world where you would have cold, snowy, short days at this time of the year. Here it is exactly the other way round.
Chocolate Banana Muffins (Vegan, Gluten-free)
This is one of my all-time favorites. And since I’ve discovered that you actually don’t need any additional sugar, I love it even more!
Easy Peasy Chocolate Sauce (Vegan, Gluten-free)
Need to urgently drown something in chocolate sauce? All you need is only 3 ingredients:
Fruity Polenta Dessert (Vegan, Gluten-free)
Phew – long name, eh? But that’s the only way I could think of to describe this dish. In German it is simply called ‘Rote Grütze’ 😉
Rhubarb Cake with Cashew Vanilla Creme (Vegan, Gluten-free)
I was never very successful with my own rhubarb plants, but a friend of mine has got an almost creepy thriving rhubarb plant in her garden.
Vanilla Custard Sauce (Vegan, Gluten-free)
There are so many recipes where a splash of vanilla custard sauce adds immensely to its flavour, e.g. my berry jelly. My recipe for vegan and gluten-free vanilla custard sauce is based on fresh home made nut milk. You could also use soy or other plant-based milk, but then you would have to adjust the […]