Winter time is chocolate time. Well, at least in my world. And lately I just can’t seem to get enough of walnuts. Especially when combined with chocolate – its such a delectable flavour. There are walnut chocolate ice pops and walnut chocolate ice cream, just to mention a few examples.
Search Results for "ice+cream"
Walnut Chocolate Ice Pops (Vegan, Gluten-free, No refined Sugar)
Who is going nuts for frozen nutty treats? I surely am! And I’m totally loving those walnuts lately. And it’s so hard to say no when an idea pops up that combines walnuts, chocolate and vegan ice pops! Yum!
Coconut Chocolate Cake Slices (Vegan, Gluten-free, No Refined Sugar, No Nuts, No Dates)
Do you sometimes find something in your pantry that you haven’t used in a long time. So you just keep pushing it around until it is out of sight again? Well, this kind of thing happens to me every now and then. In the worst case, this ingredient could go off and end up in […]
No Bake Caramel Slice (Vegan, Gluten-free, No Refined Sugar)
I’m very pleased to announce that I can share this recipe with you that a lovely friend of mine has created for you. Lucinda has a lot of experience and an amazing talent for creating vegan and gluten-free dishes.
Aquafaba Chocolate Ice Pops (Vegan, Gluten-free)
This is one of those recipes that came to be because another recipe idea didn’t exactly turn out the way that I expected. I was working on some aquafaba chocolate ice-cream
Lemon Ice-Pops (Vegan, Gluten-free, No Refined Sugar)
It’s that time of the year again! Lemons, lemons, lemons! Everywhere I can see lemons! And oranges! And limes! Yippieh! 🙂
Strawberry Ice-Pops (Vegan, Gluten-free, No Refined Sugar)
I have tried a few ice pop options with strawberries. And this one was a winner! You won’t find any cashews or coconut cream is needed for this recipe.
(Contains Affiliate Advertising) I already am a happy owner of Froothie’s high-speed blender, the Optimum 9400. You can read
No-Bake Walnut Chocolate Slices (Vegan, Gluten-free, Fruit-sweetened, No Cashews)
Oooooh, I’m working through my little walnut stash! Have you tried that walnut ice-cream yet? With only 3 ingredients? Well, if you are not looking for ice-cream but for something more along the lines of a cake then this recipe might be it.