Potatoes and dark leafy greens are some of my favourite staples. They make delicious soups and gratins and other yummy dishes.
Tag: gluten-free
Quinoa Burger, That Won’t Fall Apart (Vegan, Gluten-free)
I have created a few burger and fritter recipes over the years. But if you have made your own burgers, you probably know that problem of the falling-apart-burger.
Chocolate Ice Cream with Chocolate Sauce (Only 5 Ingredients, Vegan, Gluten-free, Nut-free)
CHOCOLATE! Yes, this recipe is owed to chocolate, the goddess of comfort and happiness 😉
Salted Caramel Slices (Vegan, Gluten-free, Oil-free, No Refined Sugars)
I’ve been experimenting with a healthy salted caramel lately. Now I’m pretty happy with it and decided to combine it with something. So what about raw vanilla slices, topped with this?
Nut-free Raw Lemon Raspberry Cake (Vegan, Gluten-free, Oil-free)
It’s been months since I’ve uploaded this recipe of a raw lemon and raspberry cake. And even though I’ve made a nut-tree free version shortly after, it took me way too long to share this one with you. Well, here it finally is!
4 Ingredients Salad Dressing (Vegan , Gluten-free)
This is my latest favourite salad dressing! Super easy to make, super versatile!
Nut-Pulp Chocolate Muffins (Vegan, Gluten-free)
You might remember that post about 5 Good Reasons To Make Your Own Nut-Milk (+How To Do It). So here is another good reason to do it: you can make super yummy chocolate muffins with it that are really moist without being ‘fudgy’.
Easy Green Veggie Curry (Vegan, Gluten-free)
This is one of my favourite standard meals, especially when it’s one of those days where I feel like whipping something up quickly that is still nourishing and healthy.
No Bake Coconut Berry Slices (Nut-free, Gluten-free, Vegan, Oil-free)
After I came up with this easy as berry gelly with chia seeds, I had to try some variations with it. This is what I created this time: raw coconut berry slices.